Two Restless Retirees
Two Restless Retirees
As a family business since 1961 we have always understood that our customers are the best part of our company. Putting their needs first has helped us develop superior after-market parts that not only correct steering and handling issues, but dramatically improved overall performance and safety.
Seeing customers go out of their way to leave us a review on our website and/or Google makes us smile. Every once in awhile a customer goes the extra mile and makes a video about their experience. This is such a case with Derrick and Peggy. Watch and see what Two Restless Retirees had to say!
"We took our Tiffin Allegro Open Road 36LA motorhome to Henderson’s Line-Up in Grant’s Pass, Oregon to get some additional stabilization done. We show you what they found and how they improved our ride (hint: we are REALLY pleased!).
If you want Safer and Happier Driving like these Two Restless Retirees reachout to us. We would love to help you. Click the link below to make an appointment at our shop today.