Class A motorhomes
If there was a better way to drive your Class A motorhome, would you want to know about it?
Do you own a gas-powered Class "A" motorhome? If so, you probably realize that they are rather famous for being a bit difficult to drive. The main reason for this is that gas-powered motorhomes are often built on a truck chassis and with so many variations of floor plans on top of that chassis it’s no wonder they all handle so differently.
There are pretty much 2 main options for gas-powered Class A motorhomes:
- Ford F-53, the primary option today
- Workhorse, which is still common on used rigs.
A Class A motorhome chassis is also called a “stripped” chassis. The reason for this is that the manufacturer creates a chassis only. That chassis is then purchased by the Recreational Vehicle manufacturer and then they build different types of floor plan boxes that go on top.
The Ford F-53 chassis is incredibly common on gas-powered Class A motorhomes these days. The main reason for this is because Ford specifically builds it for Class A motorhomes. The F53 has been around for a very long time.
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The Ford F-53 chassis is incredibly common on gas-powered Class A's today.
Workhorse is another option you still see a lot but it was discontinued in 2012 so you only see them on used rigs. Workhorse began with the P32 chassis, then moved into the W-series chassis with the W20, W22, W24, and W25.5.
Today these two chassis are the only real options for gas-powered Class A motorhomes. Now with Workhorse no longer being made, the Ford F53 is really the only new option for a gas coach. You might be thinking which is better, Ford F-53 or a used Workhorse? Well, I’m not here to debate and I would say everybody has an opinion. The truth is in the end, I don't think it matters.
Most people buy a RV for the floor plan and features they want. Very rarely do they think of the chassis. It’s only after driving for a few 100 miles that they realize the challenge.
Here are some Common Problems you will experience with your Class A Gas Coach.
- Porpoising / Bucking – “It’s a front to rear bounce. The front hits a bump, then the rear hits the bump, and they both bounce independently of each other, creating an oscillating motion.
- Coach Sway - The coach leans, sways or rocks in a side-to-side motion. The coach feels top-heavy and unstable.
- Tail-Wagging-The-Dog - It’s the sensation you get when the coach seems to have a mind of its own; you steer the wheel back and forth, and the rear half is responsible for steering the coach.
We cover these issues and many more in our "Guide to Safer and Happier Driving". If you would like a FREE COPY of it go to: https://supersteerparts.com/thecoachwhisperer
One thing we like to ask people is: “If there was a way to become better aware of how to make your coach handle safer and better, would you like to know about it?”
Most people say “yes “ to that question. The best way to discover how is by going through a Road Performance Assessment. (RPA for short)
The RPA process exists to provide you with a thorough analysis of your coach’s steering and suspension. We want to help you understand why your coach handles the way it does and make informed decisions for safety and ride improvement. The last thing we recommend is throw new parts on your Class A motorhome.
You can view a video that explains the entire process of the RPA by going to: https://supersteerparts.com/the-road-performance-assessment-
In conclusion, it’s better to know EXACTLY what Class A RV problems you have and what your options are to solve these challenges. The truth is there are many variables. Things like wheelbase, overall length, overhang past the rear wheels, and weight distribution.
At the end of the day it’s your home on wheels. How well do you want it to handle? We can help you by offering the exact performance motorhome parts you need.
If you would like to make an appointment for your own Road Performance Assessment CLICK HERE!
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